About LaWEEEda


America is characterized by a high rate of urbanization and, associated with this, a high rate of penetration in the market for IT equipment and other Electronic Equipment. The rapid growth in sales of Electrical and Electronic Equipment is resulting in increasing amounts of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). Electronic waste marks an emerging environmental problem, as well as a business opportunity, given the content of hazardous and valuable materials.

Challenges in latin America

  • Lack of capabilities at all levels;
  • Increasing amounts of electronic waste;
  • Lack of policies and enforcement;
  • Active informal collection and treatment systems;
  • Formal collection, recycling, treatment and final disposal systems;

Innovative Approach

  • Support sustainable entrepreneurship;
  • Establishment of four training centers (UFRJ, UNESP, ULSA, UCAN);
  • Financial sustainability (business plan development);
  • Approach to enviromental issues, for example, related to fractions of negative value;
  • Inclusion of less recognized stakeholders (informal long-term unemployed) ;

Working Packages (WPs)

  • WP 1 : Identificatin of gaps and training needs;
  • WP 2 : Plan and implement University-Enterprise training and collaboration centers in Brazil and Nicaragua (two regional knowledge centers and two branches);
  • WP 3 e 4 : Development of educational products for academic and profissional education;
  • WP 5 : Innovative teaching tools and techniques;
  • WP 6 : The quality of the project´s results is controlled;
  • WP 7 : Disclosure of the project and control os intellectual property rights;


  • University and professors;
  • Electronic waste professionals;
  • Authorities;
  • Informal sector and long-term unemployed.

Project duration



E-Mail: laweeeda@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/projeto-laweeeda/posts/?feedView=all&viewAsMember=true

Project leader

Institute of Waste Management
Department Water-Atmosphere-Environment
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Muthgasse 107, A – 1190 Wien
Phone: +43-1-3189900-310
Fax: +43-1-3189900-350